Thread: Hotbutton Woes
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Old 07-14-2005, 07:38 AM   #9
A Bat
Join Date: Dec 2002
Posts: 1
Default Hotbutton Woes...

It appears to be a game alteration. The introduction to fix laggy issues when opening bags and such altered ini file reads. Prior to the patch items within clicky slots linked within bags (commonly used now) would still show up upon deaths, logically because the ini file wasn't being reread after dying. The alteration with the patch now has the hotbutton window file being read upon zoning after deaths, causing the crashes due to missing stuff.

The only two fixes I can see is:
1. Stop using slots linked within bags - this winds up as a negative impact to game play. More negative in my opinion than the lag from opening containers and such the patch was fixing.
2. Request SOE to try to bypass via direct code or a UI Options button switch reading the hotbutton window ini file upon death.

Number 1 would such. Number 2 would benefit everyone, but require SOE to agree to do it.

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