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Old 09-22-2005, 07:46 PM   #28
A Bat
Join Date: Sep 2004
Posts: 1

Bandolier brought convenience to weapon-swapping. I thought maybe it might be possible to use the bandolier to swap armor pieces, too. I have several items that I use just for the right-click effects. Also, increasing the number of presets would be nice also.

Another thing. I am not sure if this would fall into the UI-related category or not. I was wondering if it would be possible to introduce some sort of filter system for each chat channels based on keywords. Having different chat channels such as /ooc and /auction does not necessarily make people use them for their intended purposes. I am constantly spammed if I leave the /ooc channel open in zones like Plane of Knowledge or Bazaar. The sellers know that people keep their /auction channel closed. So they just spam the /ooc channel with their sale pitches.

For example: If I could filter messages containing words such as WTS-in any variation-or messages that contain item links from my /ooc channel, I would not have to be spammed with someone's sale messages just because I want to keep the /ooc channel open.
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